Busy Lizzie is a brand that consist of a wide range of trend sensitive but long-lasting accessories for children and youths. We offer preciously designed products ranging from hair accessories to bags and jewellery and our collections are updated two times per year to make sure that our customers always can find something new and interesting at our retailers’ stores. 

At Nojomojo we believe that every child is a creator. An artist. Therefore we invite you into our world of limitless fun and bold creativity with products that strengthen the imagination, equality, community & integrity of our mini customers.

Our Nojo bracelets, former Busy Lizzie and Angel Bliss name bracelets, are today sold all over Europe. The bracelets are designed by the end user in store and have grown to become a beloved unique gift for a friend, as well as for yourself. The wide range of our bracelets and charms creates the opportunity to unleash and explore creativity. It gives young people a chance to be proud of their name and stand up for what they believe in.


Our Nojo nail polish comes in a wide range of colors. This gives children a chance to play and express themselves in their own way, and in their own terms.

We mean that our range of nail polish is an important part of childrens’ exploration of themselves, as well as their understanding of equality. every color is for everyone and  a good way for children to build their own self-esteem and security.

The nail polishes are of course toxic- and fragrance free and are easily removed with warm water

– To be reapplied over and over!